PROJECT ROCKIT was launched in 2006, by two sisters hungry for action on bullying. What started small has grown into something much bigger...

For over a decade, PROJECT ROCKIT has been empowering school students to stand up to bullying, hate and prejudice instead of standing by watching. Through the lens of (cyber)bullying, our workshops explore themes of inclusion, respectful relationships, social leadership, diversity, values and ethics and empathy.

We're young but experienced

* Est. 2006 with a strong track record 
* 300,000+ student reach 
* Certified by federal Office of the eSafety Commissioner

We team up with the best

* Telstra, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google and YouTube 
* Sit on Twitter Trust and Safety Council 
* Sit on Facebook Safety Advisory Board

96% of students recommend

* Highly trained, passionate young presenters 
* Show not tell approach  
* We empower and unite young people