The Plate Up Project
The Bare Bros have raised $456 for the
Plate Up Project
“Supporting victims of domestic violence and abuse, the Plate Up Project is a venture created from a merger of minds between three women who share a passion for supporting women and children suffering from domestic violence and abuse. ”
The Plate Up Project aims to reignite the passion in the kitchen and guide people to employment by assisting people experiencing homelessness and those newly housed to reengage their relationship with food, from shopping to serving. The Plate Up Project will also provide the opportunity to receive qualifications in food handling, work placement and job sponsorship to increase the chances of employment.
Being homeless often means little control over ones own food and nutrition for many years. People are left to eat only what is given to them by soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and have no means to shop, cook and store food themselves. This leads to a disconnect between the person and the love of cooking. It also leads to a loss of interest in cooking and loss of ability to budget, plan and create good nutritious meals that taste great and don't break the budget.
The Plate up Project is a practical hands on initiative that not only provides nutrition and a love of food, but a solid pathway to employment and financial stability for women suffering from domestic violence and abuse. This will assist women to move forward with financial stability which leads to housing stability and better future outcomes.